Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas , J. Gansch, N. Huskova, K. Kerst, E. Temmel, H. Lorenz, M. Mangold, G. Janiga (2021)
Continuous enantioselective crystallization of chiral compounds in coupled fluidized beds
Chemical Engineering Journal, 422 (2021) 129627
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , Hugo Meekes, Paul Tinnemans, Elias Vlieg and Rene de Gelder (2020)
Cocrystal prediction by artificial neural networks
Angewandte Chemie
Publication date (Web): 14 August 2020
Valenti, Giulio , Paul Tinnemans, Iaroslav Baglai, Willem L. Noorduin, Bernard Kaptein, Michel
Leeman, Joop H. ter Horst and Richard M. Kellogg (2020)
Combining incompatible processes for deracemization of a Praziquantel derivative under flow conditions
Angewandte Chemie
Publication date (Web): 26 November 2020
Harfouche, Lina , Nicolas Couvrat, Morgane Sanselme, Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Samuel Petit and Gérard Coquerel (2020)
Discovery of New Proxyphylline Based Chiral Cocrystals: Solid State Landscape and Dehydration Mechanism
Crystal Growth & Design
Publication date (Web): 1 May 2020
Mbodji, Aliou , Gabin Gbabode, Morgane Sanselme, Yohann Cartigny, Nicolas Couvrat, Michel Leeman, Valérie Dupray, Richard M. Kellogg, and Gérard Coquerel (2020)
Evidence of conglomerate with partial solid solutions in ethylammonium chlocyphos
Crystal Growth & Design
Publication date (Web): 20 February 2020
Breveglieri, Francesca , Iaroslav Baglai, Michel Leeman, Willem L. Noorduin, Richard M. Kellogg and Marco Mazzotti (2020)
Performance Analysis and Model-Free Design of Deracemization via Temperature Cycles
Organic Process Research & Development
Publication date (Web): 20 July 2020
Harfouche, Lina , Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Samuel Petit and Gérard Coquerel (2020)
Resolution by Preferential Crystallization of Proxyphylline by using its Salicylic Acid Monohydrate Co‐crystal
Chemical Engineering & Technology
Publication date (Web): 20 March 2020
Lorenz, Heike , Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern (2020)
Separation Processes to Provide Pure Enantiomers and Plant Ingredients
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Publication date (Web): 20 March 2020
Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas , Heike Lorenz (2020)
Separation Processes to Provide Pure Enantiomers and Plant Ingredients
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Publication date (Web): 20 March 2020
Cascella, Francesca , Carola Tortora, Christina Mai, Michael Mauksch, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, Heike Lorenz and Svetlana B. Tsogoeva (2020)
Speeding up Viedma Deracemization through Water catalyzed and Reactant Self‐catalyzed Racemization
Publication date (Web): 9 June 2020
Tortora, Carola , Franesca Cascella, Christina Mai, Michael Mauksch, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, Heike Lorenz and Svetlana B. Tsogoeva (2020)
Speeding up Viedma Deracemization through Water catalyzed and Reactant Self‐catalyzed Racemization
Publication date (Web): 9 June 2020
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , Sander J.T. Brugman, Hugo Meekes, Paul Tinnemans, Elias Vlieg and René de Gelder (2019)
Cocrystal design by network-based link prediction
Publication Date (Web): 3 October 2019
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, René de Gelder (2019)
Cocrystals in the Cambridge Structural Database: a network approach
Acta Crystallographica Section B: A Journal of the International Union of Crystallography, Pages 371-383
Volume 75.3, June 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Francesco Marin, Paul Tinnemans, Marine Hoquante, Anne Laurent, Clément Brande, Pascal Cardinael, Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, Yves Geerts, Gerard Coquerel (2019)
Deracemization in a complex quaternary system with a second‐order asymmetric transformation using phase diagram studies
Chemistry: A European Journal
https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201903338 Publication Date (Web): 8 August 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Coquerel, Gerard (2019)
Deracemization in a complex quaternary system with a second‐order asymmetric transformation using phase diagram studies [Journal Cover]
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (Web): 20 September 2019
Bodák, Brigitta , G. Maggioni, M. Mazzotti (2019)
Effect of Initial Conditions on Solid-State Deracemization via Temperature Cycles: A Model-Based Study
Crystal Growth & Design
Publication Date (Web): 10 September 2019
Cascella, Francesca , Erik Temmel, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern and Heike Lorenz (2019)
Efficient resolution of racemic guaifenesin via batch preferential crystallization processes
Harfouche, Lina , Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Joop H. Ter Horst, Gérard Coquerel, and Samuel Petit (2019)
Enabling Direct Preferential Crystallization in a Stable Racemic Compound System
Molecular Pharmaceutics
Cascella, Francesca , A. Seidel-Morgenstern, H. Lorenz (2019)
Exploiting ternary solubility phase diagrams for resolution of enantiomers: An instructive example
Chemical Engineering & Technology
Mbodji, Aliou , Gabin Gbabode, Morgane Sanselme, Nicolas Couvrat, Michel Leeman, Valérie Dupray, Richard M. Kellogg, Gérard Coquerel (2019)
Family of conglomerate forming systems composed of chlocyphos and alkyl-amine. Assessment of their resolution performances by using various modes of preferential crystallization
Crystal Growth & Design
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00568 Publication Date (Web): 8 August 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Hiroki Takahashi, Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard, Coquerel (2019)
NH-form of a threonine-based Schiff base in the solid state
Journal of Molecular Structure, Pages 36-40
Volume 1184, 15 May 2019
Belletti, Giuseppe , C. Tortora, I. Mellema, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, F. Rutjes, S. Tsogoeva, E. Vlieg (2019)
Photoracemization‐based Viedma ripening of a BINOL derivative
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (Web): 30 October 2019
Tortora, Carola , G. Belletti, I. Mellema, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, F. Rutjes, S. Tsogoeva, E. Vlieg (2019)
Photoracemization‐based Viedma ripening of a BINOL derivative
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (Web): 30 October 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard Coquerel (2019)
Resolution of an atropoisomeric naphthamide by second-order asymmetric transformation: A highly productive technique
Organic Process Research and Development
DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00133
Publication Date (Web): 15 May 2019
Cascella, Francesca , Erik Temmel, Matthias J. Eicke, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, Heike Lorenz (2019)
Resolution of Racemic Guaifenesin Applying a Coupled Preferential Crystallization-Selective Dissolution Process: Rational Process Development
Crystal Growth & Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01660
Publication Date (Web): 1 May 2019
Breveglieri, Francesca , Marco Mazzotti (2019)
Role of Racemization Kinetics in the Deracemization Process via Temperature Cycles
Crystal Growth & Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00410
Publication Date (Web): 18 April 2019
Bhandari, Shashank , Thiane Carneiro, Erik Temmel, Heike Lorenz, and Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern (2019)
Shortcut Model for Describing Isothermal Batch Preferential Crystallization of Conglomerates and Estimating the Productivity
Crystal Growth & Design
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00592 Publication Date (Web): 15 August 2019
Belletti, Giuseppe , Christos Xiouras, Raghunath Venkatramanan, Alison Nordon, Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, Georgios D. Stefanidis, Joop H. Ter Horst (2019)
Towards Continuous Deracemization via Racemic Crystal Transformation monitored by in-situ Raman Spectroscopy
Crystal Growth & Design
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00867 Publication Date (Web): 23 August 2019
Venkatramanan, Raghunath , Christos Xiouras, Giuseppe Belletti, Alison Nordon, Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, Georgios D. Stefanidis, Joop H. Ter Horst (2019)
Towards Continuous Deracemization via Racemic Crystal Transformation monitored by in-situ Raman Spectroscopy
Crystal Growth & Design
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00867 Publication Date (Web): 23 August 2019
Breveglieri, Francesca , Giovanni Maria Maggioni, and Marco Mazzotti (2018)
Deracemization of NMPA via Temperature Cycles
Crystal Growth and Design, 18 (3), pp 1873-1881
18 (3), pp 1873–1881, January 2018 [online]
Bodák, Brigitta , Giovanni Maria Maggioni, and Marco Mazzotti (2018)
Population-Based Mathematical Model of Solid-State Deracemization via Temperature Cycles
Crystal Growth and Design, 18 (11), pp 7122-7131
Oketani, Ryusei , Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard Coquerel (2018)
Practical role of racemization rates in deracemization kinetics and process productivities
Crystal Growth and Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01263
Publication Date (Web): October 9, 2018
Belletti, Giuseppe , Hugo Meekes, Floris P. J. T. Rutjes and Elias Vlieg (2018)
Role of Additives during Deracemization Using Temperature Cycling
Crystal Growth and Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00856
Publication Date (Web): October 2, 2018
Tsogoeva, Svetlana , T. Fröhlich, C. Reiter, M. E. M. Saeed, C. Hutterer, F. Hahn, M. Leidenberger, O. Friedrich, B. Kappes, M. Marschall, T. Efferth (2018)
Synthesis of Thymoquinone–Artemisinin Hybrids: New Potent Antileukemia, Antiviral, and Antimalarial Agents
ACS Med. Chem. Lett
December 2018
Ter Horst, Joop , Steendam, René R. E. (2017)
Continuous Total Spontaneous Resolution
Crystal Growth and Design, 17 (8). pp. 4428-443
3 July 2017 [online] ISSN 1528-7483
Ter Horst, Joop , Christos Xiouras, Tom Van Gerven, and Georgios D. Stefanidis (2017)
Coupling Viedma Ripening with Racemic Crystal Transformations: Mechanism of Deracemization
Crystal Growth and Design, 17 (9), pp 4965–4976
Publication Date (Web): July 24, 2017
Vlieg, Elias , Anthonius H. J. Engwerda, Niels Koning, Paul Tinnemans, Hugo Meekes, F. Matthias Bickelhaupt , Floris P. J. T. Rutjes (2017)
Deracemization of a Racemic Allylic Sulfoxide Using Viedma Ripening
Crystal Growth and Design, pp 4454–4457
17(8) Publication Date (Web): July 3, 2017
Ter Horst, Joop , Peetikamol Kongsamai, Atthaphon Maneedaeng, Chalongsri Flood, Joop H. ter Horst, Adrian E. Flood (2017)
Effect of additives on the preferential crystallization of L-asparagine monohydrate
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, April 2017, Volume
Coquerel, Gerard , Quentin Viel, Laurent Delbreilh, Samuel Petit, and Eric Dargent (2017)
Molecular Mobility of an Amorphous Chiral Pharmaceutical Compound: Impact of Chirality and Chemical Purity
The Journal of Physical Chemistry , 121 (32), pp 7729–77
Publication Date (Web): 20 July 2017
Kellogg, Richard (2017)
Practical Stereochemistry
Accounts Chem. Res, 50, 905-914
Publication Date (Web): March 1, 2017
blog posts
Pop, Mihaela (2020)
An Industry Perspective
CORE Blog post, 23 January 2020
Cascella, Francesca , Ghufran ur Rehman (2020)
An Interview with Two CORE Early Career Researchers
CORE Blog post, 30 January 2020
Rehman, Ghufran ur , Francesca Cascella (2020)
An Interview with Two CORE Early Career Researchers
CORE Blog post, 30 January 2020
Wong, Grace (2020)
Reflecting on My Apprenticeship
CORE Blog post, 19 August 2020
Oketani, Ryusei (2019)
"Interesting and Unpublished" Is Equivalent to "Non-existent"
CORE Blog post, 5 April 2019
Cascella, Francesca (2019)
A Window Into Your Future
CORE Blog post, 27 February 2019
Charpentier, Maxime (2019)
Experiences of a Newcomer
CORE Blog post, 22 October 2019
Belletti, Giuseppe , Mbjodi, Aliou and Devogelaer,Jan-Joris (2019)
Solvay workshop on “Chiral symmetry breaking at molecular level” – Brussels, 28-30 November 2018
Cascella, Francesca (2018)
Behind the scenes of a Marie Curie PhD
CORE Blog post, 14 May 2018
Oketani, Ryusei (2018)
Conference report ~Symposium on Molecular chirality in Japan~
CORE Blog post, 29 May 2018
Rehman, Ghufran ur (2018)
CORE Family
CORE Blog post, 26 July 2018
Valenti, Giulio (2018)
Why not apply for a Marie Curie fellowship
CORE Blog post, 11 June 2018
Hoffmann, Johannes (2018)
Working Cross Borders
CORE Blog Post, 6 February 2018
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , Carola Tortora (2017)
A taste of industry: interacting with the network’s partners
CORE Blog post,12 December 2017
Tortora, Carola , Jan-Joris Devogelaer (2017)
A taste of industry: interacting with the network’s partners
CORE Blog post, 12 December 2017
Venkatramanan, Raghunath (2017)
CORE at Explorathon 2017
CORE Blog post, 17 October 2017
Mbodji, Aliou (2017)
First Research Experience in SMS Laboratory at University of Rouen, France
CORE Blog post, 22 August 2017
Belletti, Giuseppe , Mbodji, Aliou (2017)
Summer School, Nijmegen ’17 – Teamwork is the key
CORE Blog post - 22 August 2017
Mbodji, Aliou , Giuseppe Belletti (2017)
Summer School, Nijmegen ’17 – Teamwork is the key
CORE Blog post, 22 August 2017
Harfouche, Lina (2017)
The secondment: a rewarding experience in Glasgow
CORE Blog post, 8 December 2017
book chapters
Coquerel, Gerard (2017)
Phase Diagrams for Process Design
In book: Engineering Crystallography: From Molecule to Crystal to Functional Form, pp.215-233 part of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology series · July 2017
Mazzotti, Marco , Martin Iggland and Giovanni Maria Maggioni (2017)
Viedma Ripening and Its Role in the Chiral Separation of Optical Isomers
pp 331-339
In: Roberts K., Docherty R., Tamura R. (eds) Engineering Crystallography: From Molecule to Crystal to Functional Form. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology. Springer, Dordrecht
journal articles
Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas , J. Gansch, N. Huskova, K. Kerst, E. Temmel, H. Lorenz, M. Mangold, G. Janiga (2021)
Continuous enantioselective crystallization of chiral compounds in coupled fluidized beds
Chemical Engineering Journal, 422 (2021) 129627
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , Hugo Meekes, Paul Tinnemans, Elias Vlieg and Rene de Gelder (2020)
Cocrystal prediction by artificial neural networks
Angewandte Chemie
Publication date (Web): 14 August 2020
Valenti, Giulio , Paul Tinnemans, Iaroslav Baglai, Willem L. Noorduin, Bernard Kaptein, Michel
Leeman, Joop H. ter Horst and Richard M. Kellogg (2020)
Combining incompatible processes for deracemization of a Praziquantel derivative under flow conditions
Angewandte Chemie
Publication date (Web): 26 November 2020
Harfouche, Lina , Nicolas Couvrat, Morgane Sanselme, Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Samuel Petit and Gérard Coquerel (2020)
Discovery of New Proxyphylline Based Chiral Cocrystals: Solid State Landscape and Dehydration Mechanism
Crystal Growth & Design
Publication date (Web): 1 May 2020
Mbodji, Aliou , Gabin Gbabode, Morgane Sanselme, Yohann Cartigny, Nicolas Couvrat, Michel Leeman, Valérie Dupray, Richard M. Kellogg, and Gérard Coquerel (2020)
Evidence of conglomerate with partial solid solutions in ethylammonium chlocyphos
Crystal Growth & Design
Publication date (Web): 20 February 2020
Breveglieri, Francesca , Iaroslav Baglai, Michel Leeman, Willem L. Noorduin, Richard M. Kellogg and Marco Mazzotti (2020)
Performance Analysis and Model-Free Design of Deracemization via Temperature Cycles
Organic Process Research & Development
Publication date (Web): 20 July 2020
Harfouche, Lina , Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Samuel Petit and Gérard Coquerel (2020)
Resolution by Preferential Crystallization of Proxyphylline by using its Salicylic Acid Monohydrate Co‐crystal
Chemical Engineering & Technology
Publication date (Web): 20 March 2020
Lorenz, Heike , Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern (2020)
Separation Processes to Provide Pure Enantiomers and Plant Ingredients
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Publication date (Web): 20 March 2020
Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas , Heike Lorenz (2020)
Separation Processes to Provide Pure Enantiomers and Plant Ingredients
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Publication date (Web): 20 March 2020
Cascella, Francesca , Carola Tortora, Christina Mai, Michael Mauksch, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, Heike Lorenz and Svetlana B. Tsogoeva (2020)
Speeding up Viedma Deracemization through Water catalyzed and Reactant Self‐catalyzed Racemization
Publication date (Web): 9 June 2020
Tortora, Carola , Franesca Cascella, Christina Mai, Michael Mauksch, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, Heike Lorenz and Svetlana B. Tsogoeva (2020)
Speeding up Viedma Deracemization through Water catalyzed and Reactant Self‐catalyzed Racemization
Publication date (Web): 9 June 2020
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , Sander J.T. Brugman, Hugo Meekes, Paul Tinnemans, Elias Vlieg and René de Gelder (2019)
Cocrystal design by network-based link prediction
Publication Date (Web): 3 October 2019
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, René de Gelder (2019)
Cocrystals in the Cambridge Structural Database: a network approach
Acta Crystallographica Section B: A Journal of the International Union of Crystallography, Pages 371-383
Volume 75.3, June 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Francesco Marin, Paul Tinnemans, Marine Hoquante, Anne Laurent, Clément Brande, Pascal Cardinael, Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, Yves Geerts, Gerard Coquerel (2019)
Deracemization in a complex quaternary system with a second‐order asymmetric transformation using phase diagram studies
Chemistry: A European Journal
https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201903338 Publication Date (Web): 8 August 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Coquerel, Gerard (2019)
Deracemization in a complex quaternary system with a second‐order asymmetric transformation using phase diagram studies [Journal Cover]
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (Web): 20 September 2019
Bodák, Brigitta , G. Maggioni, M. Mazzotti (2019)
Effect of Initial Conditions on Solid-State Deracemization via Temperature Cycles: A Model-Based Study
Crystal Growth & Design
Publication Date (Web): 10 September 2019
Cascella, Francesca , Erik Temmel, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern and Heike Lorenz (2019)
Efficient resolution of racemic guaifenesin via batch preferential crystallization processes
Harfouche, Lina , Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Joop H. Ter Horst, Gérard Coquerel, and Samuel Petit (2019)
Enabling Direct Preferential Crystallization in a Stable Racemic Compound System
Molecular Pharmaceutics
Cascella, Francesca , A. Seidel-Morgenstern, H. Lorenz (2019)
Exploiting ternary solubility phase diagrams for resolution of enantiomers: An instructive example
Chemical Engineering & Technology
Mbodji, Aliou , Gabin Gbabode, Morgane Sanselme, Nicolas Couvrat, Michel Leeman, Valérie Dupray, Richard M. Kellogg, Gérard Coquerel (2019)
Family of conglomerate forming systems composed of chlocyphos and alkyl-amine. Assessment of their resolution performances by using various modes of preferential crystallization
Crystal Growth & Design
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00568 Publication Date (Web): 8 August 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Hiroki Takahashi, Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard, Coquerel (2019)
NH-form of a threonine-based Schiff base in the solid state
Journal of Molecular Structure, Pages 36-40
Volume 1184, 15 May 2019
Belletti, Giuseppe , C. Tortora, I. Mellema, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, F. Rutjes, S. Tsogoeva, E. Vlieg (2019)
Photoracemization‐based Viedma ripening of a BINOL derivative
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (Web): 30 October 2019
Tortora, Carola , G. Belletti, I. Mellema, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, F. Rutjes, S. Tsogoeva, E. Vlieg (2019)
Photoracemization‐based Viedma ripening of a BINOL derivative
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (Web): 30 October 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard Coquerel (2019)
Resolution of an atropoisomeric naphthamide by second-order asymmetric transformation: A highly productive technique
Organic Process Research and Development
DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00133
Publication Date (Web): 15 May 2019
Cascella, Francesca , Erik Temmel, Matthias J. Eicke, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, Heike Lorenz (2019)
Resolution of Racemic Guaifenesin Applying a Coupled Preferential Crystallization-Selective Dissolution Process: Rational Process Development
Crystal Growth & Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01660
Publication Date (Web): 1 May 2019
Breveglieri, Francesca , Marco Mazzotti (2019)
Role of Racemization Kinetics in the Deracemization Process via Temperature Cycles
Crystal Growth & Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00410
Publication Date (Web): 18 April 2019
Bhandari, Shashank , Thiane Carneiro, Erik Temmel, Heike Lorenz, and Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern (2019)
Shortcut Model for Describing Isothermal Batch Preferential Crystallization of Conglomerates and Estimating the Productivity
Crystal Growth & Design
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00592 Publication Date (Web): 15 August 2019
Belletti, Giuseppe , Christos Xiouras, Raghunath Venkatramanan, Alison Nordon, Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, Georgios D. Stefanidis, Joop H. Ter Horst (2019)
Towards Continuous Deracemization via Racemic Crystal Transformation monitored by in-situ Raman Spectroscopy
Crystal Growth & Design
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00867 Publication Date (Web): 23 August 2019
Venkatramanan, Raghunath , Christos Xiouras, Giuseppe Belletti, Alison Nordon, Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, Georgios D. Stefanidis, Joop H. Ter Horst (2019)
Towards Continuous Deracemization via Racemic Crystal Transformation monitored by in-situ Raman Spectroscopy
Crystal Growth & Design
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00867 Publication Date (Web): 23 August 2019
Breveglieri, Francesca , Giovanni Maria Maggioni, and Marco Mazzotti (2018)
Deracemization of NMPA via Temperature Cycles
Crystal Growth and Design, 18 (3), pp 1873-1881
18 (3), pp 1873–1881, January 2018 [online]
Bodák, Brigitta , Giovanni Maria Maggioni, and Marco Mazzotti (2018)
Population-Based Mathematical Model of Solid-State Deracemization via Temperature Cycles
Crystal Growth and Design, 18 (11), pp 7122-7131
Oketani, Ryusei , Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard Coquerel (2018)
Practical role of racemization rates in deracemization kinetics and process productivities
Crystal Growth and Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01263
Publication Date (Web): October 9, 2018
Belletti, Giuseppe , Hugo Meekes, Floris P. J. T. Rutjes and Elias Vlieg (2018)
Role of Additives during Deracemization Using Temperature Cycling
Crystal Growth and Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00856
Publication Date (Web): October 2, 2018
Tsogoeva, Svetlana , T. Fröhlich, C. Reiter, M. E. M. Saeed, C. Hutterer, F. Hahn, M. Leidenberger, O. Friedrich, B. Kappes, M. Marschall, T. Efferth (2018)
Synthesis of Thymoquinone–Artemisinin Hybrids: New Potent Antileukemia, Antiviral, and Antimalarial Agents
ACS Med. Chem. Lett
December 2018
Ter Horst, Joop , Steendam, René R. E. (2017)
Continuous Total Spontaneous Resolution
Crystal Growth and Design, 17 (8). pp. 4428-443
3 July 2017 [online] ISSN 1528-7483
Ter Horst, Joop , Christos Xiouras, Tom Van Gerven, and Georgios D. Stefanidis (2017)
Coupling Viedma Ripening with Racemic Crystal Transformations: Mechanism of Deracemization
Crystal Growth and Design, 17 (9), pp 4965–4976
Publication Date (Web): July 24, 2017
Vlieg, Elias , Anthonius H. J. Engwerda, Niels Koning, Paul Tinnemans, Hugo Meekes, F. Matthias Bickelhaupt , Floris P. J. T. Rutjes (2017)
Deracemization of a Racemic Allylic Sulfoxide Using Viedma Ripening
Crystal Growth and Design, pp 4454–4457
17(8) Publication Date (Web): July 3, 2017
Ter Horst, Joop , Peetikamol Kongsamai, Atthaphon Maneedaeng, Chalongsri Flood, Joop H. ter Horst, Adrian E. Flood (2017)
Effect of additives on the preferential crystallization of L-asparagine monohydrate
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, April 2017, Volume
Coquerel, Gerard , Quentin Viel, Laurent Delbreilh, Samuel Petit, and Eric Dargent (2017)
Molecular Mobility of an Amorphous Chiral Pharmaceutical Compound: Impact of Chirality and Chemical Purity
The Journal of Physical Chemistry , 121 (32), pp 7729–77
Publication Date (Web): 20 July 2017
Kellogg, Richard (2017)
Practical Stereochemistry
Accounts Chem. Res, 50, 905-914
Publication Date (Web): March 1, 2017
conference / workshop posters
Charpentier, Maxime , J. Hoffmann, C. Mack, C. J. J. Gerard, J. Sefcik, J. H. ter Horst (2019)
Industrial Crystallization Fundamentals
CMAC Showcase Event, 23-24 October 2019, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Hoffmann, Johannes , M. Charpentier, C. Mack, C. J. J. Gerard, J. Sefcik, J. H. ter Horst (2019)
Industrial Crystallization Fundamentals
CMAC Showcase Event, 23-24 October 2019, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Bodák, Brigitta , Francesca Breveglieri, Marco Mazzotti (2019)
Modeling solid-state deracemization via temperature cycles
12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE12), 15-19 September 2019, Florence, Italy
Oketani, Ryusei (2019)
Phase diagram study and chiral resolution of axially chiral naphthamide derivative
[Winner - Best Poster Prize] ICCOSS XXIV: 24th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, New York City, USA, 16-21 June 2019
Belletti, Giuseppe (2019)
Photoracemization-based Viedma ripening of a BINOL derivative
sIMMposium 2019, Radboud University, Nijmegen, 21-22 October 2019
Bhandari, Shashank , Francesca Cascella, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (2019)
Preferential Enantioselective Crystallization: experiments and modelling
IMPRS conference YCOPE 2019, 18-20 March, 2019, Max Planck Magdeburg, Germany
Cascella, Francesca , Shashank Bhandari, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (2019)
Preferential Enantioselective Crystallization: experiments and modelling
IMPRS conference YCOPE 2019, 18-20 March, 2019, Max Planck Magdeburg, Germany
Breveglieri, Francesca , B. Bodák, M. Mazzotti (2019)
Role of racemisation kinetic in the deracemisation process via temperature cycles
BACG 50th Annual Conference, London, 9-11 July 2019
Cascella, Francesca , E. Temmel, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, H. Lorenz (2019)
Studies on batch preferential crystallization of an API
[Poster and flash presentation] Crystallization meeting in Bamberg, 12-13 March 2019
Venkatramanan, Raghunath , A. Nordon, J. H. ter Horst (2019)
Towards in situ monitoring and control of crystallization-based resolution processes
CMAC Showcase Event, 23-24 October 2019, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Venkatramanan, Raghunath , Alison Nordon, Joop H. Ter Horst (2018)
Application of Raman & UV for monitoring a racemic compound forming system
EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation (CMAC) Open Day, 25-26 October 2018, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow UK
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , R. de Gelder, H. Meekes, E. Vlieg (2018)
Cocrystals as a route to chiral conglomerates
Solvay Workshop "Chiral Symmetry Breaking at Molecular Level" 28 - 30 November 2018, ULB, Brussels
Hoffmann, Johannes , René R. E. Steendam, Joop H. Ter Horst (2018)
Controlling Crystal Chirality in Continuous Cooling and Antisolvent Crystallization of Sodium Bromate
EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation (CMAC) Open Day, 25-26 October 2018, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow UK
Mbodji, Aliou , Valerie Dupray, Gabin Gbabode, Clément Brandel, Morgane Sanselme, Gérard Coquerel (2018)
Crystal structure determination of Chlocyphos and resolution of Chlocyphos ethylamine salt by preferential crystallization
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Bhandari, Shashank , S. Qamar, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (2018)
Cyclic Batch Preferential Crystallization for Conglomerates and Racemic Compounds
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Oketani, Ryusei (2018)
Deracemization of axial chiral naphthamide: racemization rate and crystallization rate
[Winner - Excellent poster prize] Symposium on Molecular Chirality in Chiba, Japan, 10-12 May 2018
Rehman, Ghufran ur , Thomas Vetter (2018)
Design of closed loop auto-sampling device able to characterize enantiomeric excess in liquids and solids during chiral resolution processes
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , R. de Gelder, H. Meekes, and E. Vlieg (2018)
Discovering new cocrystals via coformer-network analysis
31st European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM31, of the European Crystallographic Association will take place in the Palace of Exhibition and Congresses (PEC) in Oviedo, Asturias, 22-27 August 2018
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , R. de Gelder, H. Meekes, and E. Vlieg (2018)
Discovering new cocrystals via coformer-network analysis
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Breveglieri, Francesca , G.M. Maggioni, and M. Mazzotti (2018)
Evaluation and optimization of solid-state deracemisation via temperature cycles
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Valenti, Giulio , Joop H. ter Horst and R.M. Kellogg (2018)
Flurbiprofen: A Target for Viedma Ripening
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Cascella, Francesca , E. Temmel , A. Seidel-Morgenstern, H. Lorenz (2018)
Fundamental Studies for Continuous Preferential Crystallization of Guaifenesin
[Winner, First Place, Best Poster Award] 25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Harfouche, Lina , Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Gérard Coquerel and Samuel Petit (2018)
Implementation of Preferential Crystallization in unfavorable cases: Detection of metastable conglomerate
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Oketani, Ryusei , C. Brandel, P. Cardinael, G. Coquerel (2018)
Interplay of the racemization rate and the crystal growth rate on the deracemization rate
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Mbodji, Aliou , Gabin Gbabode, Morgane Sanselme, Michel Leeman, Valérie Dupray, Richard M. Kellogg, Gérard Coquerel (2018)
Propensity for amine family to form conglomerates with Chlocyphos and first attempts to perform preferential crystallization of the conglomerate derivative salts
Solvay Workshop "Chiral Symmetry Breaking at Molecular Level" 28 - 30 November 2018, ULB, Brussels
Tortora, Carola , Christina Mai, Svetlana B. Tsogoeva (2018)
Speeding up Conglomerate Deracemization through Faster Racemization
[Poster and flash presentation] 1st Women Symposium in the Friedrich-Alexander Universität of Erlangen, Germany, 9-11 December 2018
Tortora, Carola , Svetlana B. Tsogoeva (2018)
Speeding up conglomerate deracemization through faster racemization
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Belletti, Giuseppe , H. Meekes, F. P. J. T. Rutjes and E. Vlieg (2018)
The role of additives during deracemization using temperature cycling
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Venkatramanan, Raghunath , Alison Nordon, Joop H ter. Horst (2018)
Towards in situ monitoring and control of crystallization-based resolution processes
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Bhandari, Shashank , A. Seidel-Morgerstern (2017)
Continuous Crystallization Process Design Strategies
Summer School on Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 3-6, 2017
Cascella, Francesca , H. Temmel, F. Cascella, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgerstern (2017)
Continuous preferential crystallization of a chiral API
24th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC 2017), 27-31 August, Dortmund University
Hoffmann, Johannes (2017)
Crystal Chirality Control in Continuous Antisolvent Crystallization of Sodium Bromate
International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC 20), 3-6 September 2017, UCD (Dublin, Ireland)
Breveglieri, Francesca , G.M. Maggioni, and M. Mazzotti. (2017)
Solid state deracemisation of Imine derivatives via High pressure homogenisation and temperature cycles
48th BACG Annual Conference, University of Manchester, 27-30 June 2017 - winner of the runner up prize in the BACG2017 Poster Competition
Belletti, Giuseppe , Hugo Meekes, Floris P. J. T. Rutjes, Elias Vlieg (2017)
The role of additives in the deracemization of conglomerate-forming compounds using temperature cycling
Summer School on Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 3-6, 2017
conference presentations
Bodák, Brigitta , M. Mazzotti (2020)
Continuous solid-state deracemization via temperature cycles – a model-based process development
AIChe Annual meeting, 16-20 November 2020, Virtual Presentation
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , H. Meekes, E. Vlieg, R. De Gelder (2020)
Data-driven discovery of cocrystals using network science and machine learning
Crystal Conversations, 1 October 2020, Virtual Presentation
Cascella, Francesca , H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (2020)
Design and Operation of Batch Crystallization Processes for Enantioseparation Purposes
Jour Fixe Crystallization Series, Virtual Presentation Through TU Dortmund, Germany, 26 June 2020
Bhandari, Shashank , H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (2020)
Modeling, Simulation and Design Strategies to Efficiently Apply Preferential Crystallization in a Continuous Process
AIChe Annual meeting, 16-20 November 2020, Virtual Presentation
Breveglieri, Francesca , B. Bodák, M. Mazzotti (2019)
Deracemisation via temperature cycles: the effect of the initial and operating conditions
12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE12), 15-19 September 2019, Florence, Italy
Devogelaer, Jan-Joris , René de Gelder, Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg (2019)
Knowledge-based design of cocrystals: partner search for molecules
sIMMposium 2019, Radboud University, 21-22 October 2019
Bodák, Brigitta , F. Breveglieri, M. Mazzotti (2019)
Model-based analysis of solid-state deracemization via temperature cycles
BACG 50th Annual Conference, London, 9-11 July 2019
Bhandari, Shashank , T. Carneiro, E. Temmel, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (2019)
Modeling Batch Preferential Crystallization for Conglomerates Forming Systems using Shortcut Models
12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE12), 15-19 September 2019, Florence, Italy
Harfouche, Lina , Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Gérard Coquerel, Samuel Petit (2019)
Non-Classical Studies for Cyclic Preferential Crystallization of a Stable Racemic Compound via its Metastable Conglomerate and Conglomerate cocrystal
26th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC2019), 26-28 August 2019, Thailand
Harfouche, Lina , Clément Brandel, Yohann Cartigny, Gérard Coquerel, Samuel Petit (2019)
Non-Classical Studies for Cyclic Preferential Crystallization of a Stable Racemic Compound via its Metastable Conglomerate and Conglomerate cocrystal
CRISTAL-9 congress, ENSIC Nancy France, 16-17 May 2019
Charpentier, Maxime , R. Venkatramanan, K. Johnston and J.H. t. Horst (2019)
Phase diagram screening of chiral compounds with UV/CD spectroscopy
BACG 50th Annual Conference, London, 9-11 July 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , M. Hoquante, C. Brandel, S. Clevers, F. Marin, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, E. Vlieg, Y. Geerts, P. Cardinael, G. Coquerel (2019)
Phase diagram study and chiral resolution of axially chiral naphthamide derivative
24th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS2019), 16-21 June 2019, New York, USA
Breveglieri, Francesca , B. Bodák, M. Mazzotti (2019)
Role of racemisation kinetic in the deracemisation process via temperature cycles
BACG 50th Annual Conference Student Day, UCL, 8 July 2019
Hoffmann, Johannes , R. Venkatramanan, F. Cascella, A. Seidel Morgenstern, H. Lorenz, J. H. ter Horst (2019)
Selective Sequential Crystallization of Racemic and Enantiopure Mandelic Acid at the Solution Eutectic
12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE12), 15-19 September 2019, Florence, Italy
Hoffmann, Johannes , R. Venkatramanan, F. Cascella, A. Seidel Morgenstern, H. Lorenz, J. H. ter Horst (2019)
Selective Sequential Crystallization of Racemic and Enantiopure Mandelic Acid at the Solution Eutectic and its applicability in the pharmaceutical industry
CMAC Showcase Event, 23-24 October 2019, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Hoffmann, Johannes , R. Venkatramanan, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern and J. H. t. Horst (2019)
Serial Separation and Resolution in Eutectic Solutions
BACG 50th Annual Conference, London, 9-11 July 2019
Bodák, Brigitta , G.M. Maggioni, and M. Mazzotti (2018)
Population Balance Model of Solid-State Deracemization Through Temperature Cycles
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Bodák, Brigitta , G.M. Maggioni, M. Mazzotti (2018)
Population Balance Model of Solid-State Deracemization Through Temperature Cycles
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Bhandari, Shashank , T.Carneiro, E. Temmel, H. Lorenz, K. Wrzosek, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (2018)
Resolution of Conglomerates Using Preferential Crystallization and Enzymatic Racemization
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, 28 October – 2 November 2018, Pittsburgh, USA
Hoffmann, Johannes , R. Venkatramanan, F. Cascella, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, H. Lorenz, J. H. ter Horst (2018)
Separation of Mandelic Acid Enantiomers at Eutectic Composition by Preferential Crystallization
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Oketani, Ryusei , Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard Coquerel (2018)
The role of racemization and crystal growth kinetics on deracemization rate of naphthamide compound using temperature cycling
13th International Workshop of the Crystal Growth of Organic Material 27 – 30 August 2018, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas , E. Temmel, K. Kerst, D. Khlopov, A. Bartz, G. Janiga, M. Mangold, H. Lorenz (2017)
Continuous crystallization to separate enantiomers exploiting two coupled fluidized bed crystallizers
International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC 20), 3-6 September 2017, UCD (Dublin, Ireland)
Lorenz, Heike , A. Seidel-Morgerstern, P. Schulze, E. Horosanskaia (2017)
Crystallization-based isolation of a target compound form complex multicomponent mixtures originating from from plant processing
International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC 20), 3-6 September 2017, UCD (Dublin, Ireland)
public engagement
Charpentier, Maxime (2020)
EU H2020 ITN CORE - Chiral Molecules Separation: The Case of Praziquantel
CORE ITN YouTube Channel
Published online 30 June 2020
Ter Horst, Joop , Francesca Cascella, Andreas Seidel-Morgerstern, Raghunath Venkatramanan, Heike Lorenz (2020)
EU H2020 ITN CORE: Creating Better Pharmaceutical Products for Society
CORE ITN YouTube Channel
Published online 18 June 2020
Cascella, Francesca , Joop ter Horst, Andreas Seidel-Morgerstern, Raghunath Venkatramanan, Heike Lorenz (2020)
EU H2020 ITN CORE: Creating Better Pharmaceutical Products for Society
CORE ITN YouTube Channel
Published online 18 June 2020
Venkatramanan, Raghunath , Joop ter Horst, Francesca Cascella, Andreas Seidel-Morgerstern, Heike Lorenz (2020)
EU H2020 ITN CORE: Creating Better Pharmaceutical Products for Society
CORE ITN YouTube Channel
Published online 18 June 2020
Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas , Joop ter Horst, Francesca Cascella, Raghunath Venkatramanan, Heike Lorenz (2020)
EU H2020 ITN CORE: Creating Better Pharmaceutical Products for Society
CORE ITN YouTube Channel
Published online 18 June 2020
Lorenz, Heike , Joop ter Horst, Francesca Cascella, Andreas Seidel-Morgerstern, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2020)
EU H2020 ITN CORE: Creating Better Pharmaceutical Products for Society
CORE ITN YouTube Channel
Published online 18 June 2020
Venkatramanan, Raghunath (2020)
Sparkly Night Crystal Tree - Imaging Technique Used: Polarisation Microscope with Sodium Bromate Crystals
BACG Crystals in Art Competition 2020
BACG Crystals in Art Competition 2020 entry
Venkatramanan, Raghunath (2019)
Crystallising solutions for precision pharmaceuticals
Strathclyde Images of Research Competition
Strathclyde Images of Research Competition, June 2019, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Bhandari, Shashank , Francesca Cascella (2018)
13th Long Night of Science
13th Long Night of Science, 2 June 2018, Max Planke Institute Magdeburg
Cascella, Francesca , Shashank Bhandari (2018)
13th Long Night of Science
13th Long Night of Science, 2 June 2018, Max Planke Institute Magdeburg
Bhandari, Shashank , Giuseppe Belletti, Francesca Cascella, Lina Harfouche, Aliou Mbodji, Ghufran ur Rehman, Carola Tortora, Giulio Valenti, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Belletti, Giuseppe , Shashank Bhandari, Francesca Cascella, Lina Harfouche, Aliou Mbodji, Ghufran ur Rehman, Carola Tortora, Giulio Valenti, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Cascella, Francesca , Shashank Bhandari, Giuseppe Belletti, Lina Harfouche, Aliou Mbodji, Ghufran ur Rehman, Carola Tortora, Giulio Valenti, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Harfouche, Lina , Shashank Bhandari, Giuseppe Belletti, Francesca Cascella, Aliou Mbodji, Ghufran ur Rehman, Carola Tortora, Giulio Valenti, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Mbodji, Aliou , Shashank Bhandari, Giuseppe Belletti, Francesca Cascella, Lina Harfouche, Ghufran ur Rehman, Carola Tortora, Giulio Valenti, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Rehman, Ghufran ur , Shashank Bhandari, Giuseppe Belletti, Francesca Cascella, Lina Harfouche, Aliou Mbodji, Carola Tortora, Giulio Valenti, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Tortora, Carola , Shashank Bhandari, Giuseppe Belletti, Francesca Cascella, Lina Harfouche, Aliou Mbodji, Ghufran ur Rehman, Giulio Valenti, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Valenti, Giulio , Shashank Bhandari, Giuseppe Belletti, Francesca Cascella, Lina Harfouche, Aliou Mbodji, Ghufran ur Rehman, Carola Tortora, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Venkatramanan, Raghunath , Shashank Bhandari, Giuseppe Belletti, Francesca Cascella, Lina Harfouche, Aliou Mbodji, Ghufran ur Rehman, Carola Tortora, Giulio Valenti (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK
Charpentier, Maxime , Johannes Hoffmann (2018)
Crystal Builders, 2018
Explorathon: European Researchers Night, 29 September 2018 in Riverside Museum
Hoffmann, Johannes , Maxime Charpentier (2018)
Crystal Builders, 2018
Explorathon: European Researchers Night, 29 September 2018 in Riverside Museum
Hoffmann, Johannes , Joop ter Horst (2017)
Chiral resolution using antisolvent crystallization
Monday 10 July 2017, Dutch Design & Synthesis lectures, Syncom BV, The Netherlands
Hoffmann, Johannes , Sudhansu Sekhar Jena, Giulio Valenti, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2017)
Crystal Builders, 2017
Explorathon: European Researchers Night, 29 September 2017 in Riverside Museum
Valenti, Giulio , Johannes Hoffmann, Sudhansu Sekhar Jena, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2017)
Crystal Builders, 2017
Explorathon: European Researchers Night, 29 September 2017 in Riverside Museum
Venkatramanan, Raghunath , Johannes Hoffmann, Sudhansu Sekhar Jena, Giulio Valenti (2017)
Crystal Builders, 2017
Explorathon: European Researchers Night, 29 September 2017 in Riverside Museum
Ter Horst, Joop , Johannes Hoffmann (2017)
Chiral resolution using antisolvent crystallization
Monday 10 July 2017, Dutch Design & Synthesis lectures, Syncom BV, The Netherlands
Coquerel, Gerard , Ryusei Oketani, François-Xavier Gendron, Manon Schindler, Simon Clevers, Clément de Saint Jores, Pascal Cardinaël, Najla Garbit-Hamza, and Clément Brandel (2018)
Crystallization and macroscopic symmetry breakings
Invited Lecture at the Symposium on Molecular Chirality in Chiba, Japan, 10-12 May 2018
Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas (2018)
Process to Separate Enantiomers in Chemistry and Drugs
Invited plenary speaker at the first European Asymmetry Symposium, 15-16 March 2018 in Nice Théâtre du Parc Valrose
Breveglieri, Francesca , Brigitta Bodak (2018)
Rate control separation processes in fine chemistry
Chemical and process engineer students at ETH Zurich
Bodák, Brigitta , Breveglieri, Francesca (2018)
Rate control separation processes in fine chemistry
Chemical and process engineer students at ETH Zurich
Ter Horst, Joop (2017)
An introduction to Industrial Crystallization
CORE Introductory week, 30 January – 3 February 2017, University of Strathclyde
Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas , E. Temmel, H. Lorenz, G. Janiga, M. Mangold (2017)
Continuous crystallization to separate enantiomers exploiting two coupled fluidized bed crystallizers
Invited speaker at the British Association of Crystal Growth (BACG 2017), 27-30 June 2017, University of Manchester
Ter Horst, Joop (2017)
Crystal nucleation
Summer School on Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, 3-6 July 2017, Radboud University
Mazzotti, Marco (2017)
Crystal Shape Engineering
CORE Introductory week, 30 January – 3 February 2017, University of Strathclyde
Ter Horst, Joop (2017)
Fundamentals of Crystallization
Guest Tutorial at the International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC 20), 3-6 September 2017, UCD (Dublin, Ireland)
Vlieg, Elias (2017)
Introduction to Chirality
Summer School on Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, 3-6 July 2017, Radboud University
Ter Horst, Joop (2017)
Preferential crystallisation & Process Modelling
Summer School on Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, 3-6 July 2017, Radboud University
Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas (2017)
Processes to separate enantiomers
Summer School on Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, 3-6 July 2017, Radboud University
Lorenz, Heike (2017)
Purification by Crystallization
Guest Lecture at CORE Workshop Solid State, 6-10 November 2017, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Coquerel, Gerard (2017)
Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams
Summer School on Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, 3-6 July 2017, Radboud University
Vlieg, Elias (2017)
Viedma ripening - Theory
Summer School on Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, 3-6 July 2017, Radboud University
Oketani, Ryusei (2019)
Phase diagram study and chiral resolution of axially chiral naphthamide derivative
Best Poster Prize at ICCOSS XXIV: 24th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, New York City, USA, 16-21 June 2019
Oketani, Ryusei (2018)
Deracemization of axial chiral naphthamide: racemization rate and crystallization rate
Excellent poster prize at the Symposium on Molecular Chirality in Chiba, Japan, 10-12 May 2018
Cascella, Francesca (2018)
Fundamental Studies for Continuous Preferential Crystallization of Guaifenesin
First Place, Best Poster Award at the 25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), University of Rouen, France, 6-7 September 2018
Breveglieri, Francesca (2017)
Solid state deracemisation if Imine derivatives via High pressure homogenisation and temperature cycles
Runner up prize in Poster Competition (open only to contributions with a major experimental component), British Association of Crystal Growth (BACG 2017), University of Manchester, 27-30 June 2017
journal cover profiles
Cascella, Francesca , C. Tortora, C. Mai, M. Mauksch, A. Seidel‐Morgenstern, H. Lorenz and S. B. Tsogoeva (2020)
Cover Feature: Speeding up Viedma Deracemization through Water‐catalyzed and Reactant Self‐catalyzed Racemization
Publication Date (web): 24th August 2020
Tortora, Carola , F. Cascella, C. Mai, M. Mauksch, A. Seidel‐Morgenstern, H. Lorenz and S. B. Tsogoeva (2020)
Cover Feature: Speeding up Viedma Deracemization through Water‐catalyzed and Reactant Self‐catalyzed Racemization
Publication Date (web): 24th August 2020
Belletti, Giuseppe , C. Tortora, I. D. Mellema, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, F. P. J. T. Rutjes, S. B. Tsogoeva and E. Vlieg (2019)
Cover Feature: Photoracemization‐Based Viedma Ripening of a BINOL Derivative
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (web): 11th December 2019
Tortora, Carola , G. Belletti, I. D. Mellema, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, F. P. J. T. Rutjes, S. B. Tsogoeva and E. Vlieg (2019)
Cover Feature: Photoracemization‐Based Viedma Ripening of a BINOL Derivative
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (web): 11th December 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , F. Marin, P. Tinnemans, M. Hoquante, A. Laurent, C. Brandel, P. Cardinael, H. Meekes, E. Vlieg, Y. Geerts and G. Coquerel (2019)
Cover Profile: Deracemization in a Complex Quaternary System with a Second‐Order Asymmetric Transformation by Using Phase Diagram Studies
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (web): 20th September 2019