Giulio ValentiGiulio VALENTI

ESR6: Alternative Crystallization-based Chiral Synthesis Processes

Host institution:  SYNCOM, The Netherlands
Supervisor:  Prof Richard KELLOGG and Prof Joop ter Horst (USTRATH)  
Industrial toolbox research group: WP4 Hybrid Resolution
Individual project research objective: Identification of new crystallization-based hybrid resolution techniques
Committee membership: Exploitation Committee
Visits/Secondments: USTRATH, UR, ETH


Giulio received his MSc in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy. During his undergraduate studies, he conducted research at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany. His project focused on developing a flow method for the synthesis of a biological interesting fructosamine mimic. Currently, he is working at Syncom BV, in the Netherlands, under the supervision of Prof. R.M. Kellogg and Dr. M. Leeman. His research focuses on: development of a continuous process for deracemizations, identification of new compounds that can be deracemized through Viedma ripening and development of new methods of racemization.

Research Interests

Continuous-flow chemistry, organic synthesis, chirality, carbohydrate chemistry, fluorescence.


Matthew B. Plutschack, D. Tyler McQuade, Giulio Valenti and Peter H. Seeberger;  (2013) Flow synthesis of a versatile fructosamine mimic and quenching studies of a fructose transport probe;  Beilstein J. Org. Chem., 9, 2022–2027. doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.238

Contact details
+31 0614903065


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Valenti, Giulio , Paul Tinnemans, Iaroslav Baglai, Willem L. Noorduin, Bernard Kaptein, Michel Leeman, Joop H. ter Horst and Richard M. Kellogg (2020)
Combining incompatible processes for deracemization of a Praziquantel derivative under flow conditions
Angewandte Chemie Publication date (Web): 26 November 2020



Valenti, Giulio (2018)
Why not apply for a Marie Curie fellowship
CORE Blog post, 11 June 2018


Valenti, Giulio , Joop H. ter Horst and R.M. Kellogg (2018)
Flurbiprofen: A Target for Viedma Ripening
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France

Public engagement

Valenti, Giulio , Shashank Bhandari, Giuseppe Belletti, Francesca Cascella, Lina Harfouche, Aliou Mbodji, Ghufran ur Rehman, Carola Tortora, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2018)
CORE Crystal Growth Competition with Local High Schools
CORE Crystal Growth competition with local high schools (2018) France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK


Public engagement

Valenti, Giulio , Johannes Hoffmann, Sudhansu Sekhar Jena, Raghunath Venkatramanan (2017)
Crystal Builders, 2017
Explorathon: European Researchers Night, 29 September 2017 in Riverside Museum